Battle Report: Ogres vs High Elves 1200pts

So as promised here is my first Fantasy Battle Report using my first army; Ogre Kingdoms! I've been really looking forward to having a game of fantasy and luckily the individual who sold me these Ogres also agreed to give me a game and show me the ropes.

Here are the lists:

My Ogres 1200pts  


Firebelly (General) 
- Level 2

- Battle Standard Bearer
- Great Weapon 
- Heavy Armour 


6 Ogres   
- Ironfists 

6 Ironguts 
- Full Command 
  - Standard of Discipline


4 Leadbelchers 
- Musician  






The blank base in the Iron Guts unit is the Firebelly if anyone is wondering! 


Luke's High Elves 1200pts


Arch Mage
- Level 4
- Lore of Shadow
- Book of Hoeth


20 Archers 
- Musician 

5 Ellyrian Reavers
- Musician 


24 Phoenix Guard 
- Standard Bearer 
- Musician 

5 Sword Masters 


Great Eagle

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower

Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower 



I won the roll off to deploy first. I positioned my Sabretusks on the flanks to try and pick off his Bolt Throwers or potentially redirect his Phoenix Guard Unit. The rest of my ogres positioned in the middle flanked by the Iron Blaster. 

Luke chose a more defensive deployment, having his units close to prepare to flank any oncoming units. His first Bolt Thrower was placed up on the hill along with his Arch Mage, his other Bolt Thrower in the other corner of his deployment zone. 

I rolled up Piercing Bolts of Burning and the Burning Head (the latter of which I swapped to Fireball). Luke rolled up Pit of Shades, The Penumbral Pendulum, Okkam's Mindrazor and The Withering (ouch...).

Luke used a Vanguard move with his Reavers and won the roll to go first and off we went! 

High Elves Turn 1: 

Luke called a Swift Reform on his Reavers and squeezed through a gap in my battle line, ending up right behind my unit of Ogres and Leadbelchers. 

He positioned his Great Eagle up behind the central building and left everything else stationary. 

He had a very nasty magic phase, managing to cast the Withering on my Iron Guts (making them toughness 2) and  casting the larger version The Penumbral Pendulum straight towards my Iron Blaster, taking off 3 wounds. 

The combined firepower of the Archers (who were wounding my Iron Guts on 3's) and 2 multi-shot bolt throwers killed 3 of my Iron Guts and left my musician on 2 wounds! Remember the blank base is a Fire Belly... It'll be built for next time! 

Ogres Turn 1: 

I declared a successful charge on his Great Eagle, which naturally course fled. I redirected my charging Ogre unit into the Forrest which was revealed to be a Blood Forrest, but I took no damage. 

My Leadbelchers did a swift reform to get rid of the Reavers while my Iron Guts advanced alongside my Ironblaster. The Sabretusks advanced on either flank gunning for those bolt throwers. 

I was set to have an awesome power dice with a Power Dice pool of 12! I used 4 Power Dice to dispel The Withering and cast Piecering Bolts of Burning on Luke's Archers, which was dispelled. I then cast the medium version of Fireball on his archers but Luke managed an irresistable dispel! This brought my magic phase to a close. 

My Leadbelchers opened fire into his Reaver unit, wiping them out. The Ironblaster fired a lucky cannonball at the Bolt Thrower on the hill, taking away all it's wounds. The archers took a panic check for a unit being wiped out within 6", and passed thanks to Elvish Leadership!

High Elves Turn 2:

Luke once again remained stationary with the majority of his forces. He moved his Great Eagle just in front of my Ogre unit, blocking their advance without forcing them to make multiple wheels. 

Luke got off the larger version of Pit of Shades on my Iron Guts unit which I failed to dispel! This killed all but my standard bearer, sucking the Firebelly and 3 unlucky Iron Guts into the ground. 

The Archers peppered my Ironblaster with arrows inflicting two wounds. I failed them both killing my Ironblaster! The remaining Bolt Thrower then skewered my remaining Iron Gut standard bearer but luckily failed to inflict damage on my Bruiser. 

Ogres Turn 2: 

One of my Sabretusks managed to get into combat with his Bolt Thrower, while the other Sabretusk attempted to charge his Archer unit in the SLIGHT hope that it would prevent a magic phase. It was a successful charge, however he was killed by stand and shoot. 

My Bruiser joined up with the advancing Ogres and the Leadbelchers made a swift reform intent on peppering the Great Eagle. 

My Leadbelchers opened fire on the Great Eagle but the pesky thing survived with one wound remaining! 

The Sabretusk that charged the Bolt Thrower proved especially effective with Luke's crew failing it's fear check! The crew failed to do any damage and was wiped out by my trusty hound, which made a free reform to prepare a flank on the Sword Masters. 

High Elves Turn 3:

Luke positioned his Great Eagle in front of my Ogre unit, and also advanced his Phoenix Guard and Sword Masters up in flanking positions - if my Ogres got off the charge they would be flanked by one of the two units. Positioning his Eagle in front of my unit effectively stopped me potentially getting a charge on one of his combat units - I would have to charge the eagle, which would flee, and I would be left out in the open. A smart move! 

Luke managed to get the Withering off on my Ogre Unit, bringing them to Toughness 3. He also cast Pit of Shades on my Ogre Unit, but luckily scattered off target doing no damage. 

Luke's archers took aim at my advancing Leadbelchers but luckily for me did no damage! 

Ogres Turn 3:

My Ogres unit of course charged the Great Eagle, getting off an Ogre charge of 11" (17" all together). This meant that Luke would have to accept the charge with his eagle to prevent a possible redirect into his Sword Masters. 

My Leadbelchers advanced, preparing to have a shoot off with the High Elf Archers. 

My Sabretusks got into position to prevent a potential Flank Charge on my Ogre Unit by preventing a Flank Charge on the Sword Masters. 

Short as I had no more mages, but I managed to dispel The Withering on my Ogre Unit!

The Leadbelchers returned fire on the Archers, killing 3 of them. 

My Bruiser's impact hits were luckily enough to remove the remaining wound from Luke's Great Eagle; unfortunately this meant I was in the position to be charged by his Phoenix Guard. 

High Elves Turn 4: 

As predicted, his Phoenix Guard charged into my Ogre Unit. They charged through the Forrest which revealed itself to be a Venomwood! Unfortunately for me, Luke failed no dangerous terrain checks and would now benefit from poisoned attacks! The Sword Mastsrs reformed to prevent a flank charge from my Sabretusks. 

Luke rolled only a 3+1 for Winds of Magic, but thanks to the Book of Hoeth managed to cast Okkam's Mindrazor on his Phoenix Guard! This was going to hurt. 

The High Elf Archers took careful aim, but managed to only kill one Leadbelchers. This was enough however as they failed their leadership and turned tail! 

The combination of Always Strikes First, Rerolls to Hit, Poisoned attacks and Str 9 from Okkam's Mindrazor was too much for my poor Ogres, who took 10 wounds from the onslaught. I stuck back with my Tyrant and 3 remaining Ogres, inflicting 5 wounds (including stomp attacks) but Luke managed to pass all Ward Saves! 

You can see the combat resolution in the top of the photo... Guess who won!? 

I unfortunately failed my Leadership check and was overrun by the Phoenix Guard. 

Ogres Turn 4:

With next to nothing left we decided I needed to claim the moral victory. I bravely rallied my Leadbelchers and charged my two remaining Sabretusks at his Sword Masters! 

Of course, the Sword Masters quickly dismembered my poor hounds and with that, Luke and I called it a day. 

Outcome: High Elf Major Victory! 

An endgame shot:

So thanks Luke for showing me the ropes and of course an enjoyable game! I learnt a few lessons:

1) Never leave the house without a dispel scroll! As I'm only fielding a Heroic Mage I only get a bonus of 2 to my dispel attempts. As Luke had the book of Hoeth he really could easily get off what he wanted without much of a challenge. I might try out a Slaughtermaster in future games. 

2) Ignore chaff! Those Reavers basically took my Leadbelchers out of the game - I definitely should of ignored them. Had they have charged they probably wouldn't have even killed an Ogre, and with 3 attacks each from every single miniature in my force, they would've have stood a chance. I should be more aggressive next time with my Battleline and get into combat. 

Thanks again Luke and I hope you readers enjoyed the battle report! More to come along with some painting progress! 

Alles gute, 


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1200pts of Ogres