Spicerack's X-Wing 100pt List

Well, since everyone else is doing it, I thought I might as well post my list as well. As the only Imperial player among us, I have had the unique opportunity of using the Phantoms and Defenders to death. After some initial success with both Phantoms and Defenders it has quickly become apparent (whilst getting annihilated by Crazy’s anti-Phantom list) that these ships have their limits. Whilst I love them both dearly, the meta has definitely shifted to cater for these unorthodox threats, and will continue to do so as the new Rebel Aces and the pair of large turret ships are released later in the year. So I've been doing some thinking as to what I do now. One of the things I’ve come to notice whenever TommyH or Crazy bring up the latest tournament results is that there’s always a TIE swarm in the top 10. More often than not there is a swarm list placing; the most recent I’ve seen was a first place with 4 Obsidians and 4 Academies. However your conventional TIE swarm works something...