1200pts of Ogres

So after recently purchasing a bunch of 2nd hand ogre models (you can see picks by following this link: http://40kwarzone.blogspot.com.au/2014/04/new-project-ogre-kingdoms.html?m=1 ) I've managed to secure a few games on tonight! I'm really excited for my first couple of Fantasy games using Ogre Kingdoms so here's what I've come up with (keep in mind I'm limited to using the models that I own while I wait for some ebay deliveries!): ----------------- Ogres 1200pts HEROES Firebelly (General) - Level 2 Wizard Bruiser - Battle Standard Bearer - Great Weapon - Heavy Armour CORE 6 Ogres - Ironfists 6 Ironguts - Full Command - Standard of Discipline SPECIAL 4 Leadbelchers - Musician Sabretusk Sabretusk Sabretusk RARE Ironblaster ----------------- So I'm sure the first thing you will notice is the lack of mournfangs.... Unfortunately these haven't arrived yet :...