DKK: Death Rider Unit Breakdown.

In my opinion, Death Riders are one of the best units in 40k. Okay, so they die pretty horrendously to Broadsides ignoring cover, but what doesn't these days? Let's look at Death Riders in focus, and see what we can do with them. The best attributes about these guys is that they come with two wounds EACH. Second to that is their WS4 and Carapace armour. Third to that is Frag, Krak AND FNP 6+. Not to mention that they are cavalry with a re-roll on dangerous terrain tests. All that for a point more expensive then a standard marine! Furthermore, being able to take them in a platoon has some awesome potential for an allies slot. In fact, it is likely to be more cost-efficient that way. I'll talk about this later though. Damage: First charge and Frag Grenades means you are hitting at a higher Initiative then most ground infantry, and this is where the real damage potential of these guys come in. However, even after the first round of combat, you're still getting 4 attacks p...