
Affichage des articles du janvier, 2014

DKK: Death Rider Unit Breakdown.

In my opinion, Death Riders are one of the best units in 40k. Okay, so they die pretty horrendously to Broadsides ignoring cover, but what doesn't these days? Let's look at Death Riders in focus, and see what we can do with them. The best attributes about these guys is that they come with two wounds EACH. Second to that is their WS4 and Carapace armour. Third to that is Frag, Krak AND FNP 6+. Not to mention that they are cavalry with a re-roll on dangerous terrain tests. All that for a point more expensive then a standard marine! Furthermore, being able to take them in a platoon has some awesome potential for an allies slot. In fact, it is likely to be more cost-efficient that way. I'll talk about this later though. Damage: First charge and Frag Grenades means you are hitting at a higher Initiative then most ground infantry, and this is where the real damage potential of these guys come in. However, even after the first round of combat, you're still getting 4 attacks p

Upcoming battle report - Orks vs Nids

As our regular readers may know, Ruby and I are big fans of testing out the latest stuff released from GW. While we may not be the quickest on the uptake, we like to think that we're more balanced in our approach. To this end, we have scheduled a 2k point battle: Orks vs new Nids. "But there are no new Orks, that's not fair on you, and the new Nids are so OP!" I hear you cry but fear not, while Ruby will be taking the bulk of his new Tyranid force (assuming he builds them in time), I will be fielding an Ork Stompa to even the field. We will have a full battle report for you soon. Let the stomping commence!

Stormlord and Heavy Weapon Teams.

Hmm, interesting on for Guard players. Heavy Weapon teams rarely see use these days, they are just too vulnerable. However, what about sticking them in a Stormlord? This is something to consider seriously. Super heavy transports can take on as many squads are you wish, just as long as you keep within the transport capacity. Two ways I see this happening. Heavy Weapons: Drop the entire platoon into this thing. Including the command squad, two infantry and a load of Heavy Weapon Autocannons. Place an objective either side, load up some Void Shield Generators and/or Skyshield and sit back providing long-range fire support. Up to 20 models can fire out of the troop bay, so you can get a lot of shots going out. The ONE problem with this is the limited firing arc of the troops bay. With the turret smack bang in your way, you are looking at having to park the tank at and angle. Remember though, you can rotate on the spot without it counting as moved, so you can move the firing arc as you so w