
Affichage des articles du novembre, 2013

The Zombie Apocalypse

As some of you have read in recent posts, Crazy424 likes his meta-lists. The most recent of these takes the form of a couple of HQ choices and lots of Zombies with some Chaos Spawn thrown in for good measure. I'm always up for disproving meta-lists so we arranged a 1500pt, three player 'Battle Royale', Ruby playing his beloved Space Marines, Crazy424 playing a version of the Zombie list (with 100+ Zombies) and me playing mostly Orks (with a Wraithknight thrown in just because Ruby hates it). The first scary part about playing against the Zombie list is the sheer number of models. Crazy was proxying all of them (not a single correct model to his name) and the deployment was terrifying - his models completely covered one edge of a 72" board at least three models deep! Add to that the extra infiltrating Zombies who appeared with 18" of both of our lines and it makes a formidable sight. Then there's the Spawn who are terrifying in small numbers, let alone when the