
Affichage des articles du septembre, 2013

Battle Report - Space Marines vs Eldar - 3000pts

Here at 40 Warzone, we weren't entirely happy with the way the Battle Report played out in the latest White Dwarf with the Space Marines losing to Chaos (you need to use different armies WD guys). So, we decided to play our own with the two latest armies, Space Marines and Eldar. Ruby had recently purchased his new Sternguard, Vanguard and Centurion squads and was keen to try them out. He is also now the proud owner of a Land Raider and Drop Pod for getting those all important Sternguard and Centurions into battle more quickly. For me, I have played a few games recently but I've missed using a few of my favourite units - namely the Wraithlord, Howling Banshees and Fire Prism (not everyone's taste but I like them for their potential, not their actual use). I also wanted to try out the new Wraith units and flyers for more than one turn. Board We decided to play on our new 4' by 6' board (currently unpainted) with plenty of cover provided by hills and ruins (mostly pai

Ethereal Snatch, The Campaign Begins!

Siceralc - Over the last few weeks most of us have been playing the meta pretty hard, and we've decided to give it a break and indulge our desire for fluff. What follows is the first of several scenarios we plan on playing over the next few months, and we hope to develop the games as we go along. The suggestion has also been made that we flesh out these scenarios with some narrative fluff, so with no further adieu I give you Part One of the Perdus Rift Campaign, story and battle report. Unity. Prosperity. Peace. There could be no higher calling than upholding these tenets of the Tau way, but by the Greater Good the longing for real political debate was overwhelming. How had he been so stupid as to request a field assignment? Just how exactly had he ended up as a political attache to a forsaken mining expedition on the eastern outskirts of the Perdus Rift? Surely this was a role for one of the Water Caste? Aun’Li could not fathom why a member of the Ethereal Caste was